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Doane University Institutional Review Board

About the IRB

Doane University uses an Institutional Review Board (IRB) process to review research projects involving human participants conducted by faculty and students to ensure the protection of those participants.

Research Requiring IRB Approval

Doane University IRB review is restricted to only those research projects involving human subjects that are systematically designed to produce generalizable knowledge about human nature intended to be shared with the public or other scholars.

Complete Your IRB Application

IRB applications for both IRB project exemption requests and expedited or full reviews are located online. Complete the appropriate web form to submit an application to the IRB.

Protecting Human Research Participants

Doane University is committed to excellence in teaching, research, and public service. The University is committed to the conduct of these activities with the highest possible ethical standards.

Non-Compliance Policy

The IRB has the authority to suspend or terminate previously approved research that is not conducted in accordance with the IRB's requirements, research that has not been approved by the IRB, or research that has been associated with unexpected harm to participants.

Research and Survey Participant Compensation

Doane University allows for reasonable compensation to encourage research and survey participation. See this policy to ensure your IRB application complies with the Research and Survey Participant Compensation policy.

Doane Survey Policy

Please also consult Doane's Survey Policy for general information that may apply to the project.